In order to describe and obtain the “magic” of network marketing, it is necessary to define two correct concept.
Most people think of Network Marketing in the wrong way. It took me a while to finally figure it out.
The correct concept of network marketing is NOT to sell vitamins or pills.
Most people will tell you how good their products are, or how much minerals they are going to produce or our product is better than theirs…etc
Most people will tell you how good their products are, or how much minerals they are going to produce or our product is better than theirs…etc
Having a good product is very important in your Network Marketing business for long term success, but you should STOP worrying about your product or your competitors.
The reason being that your REAL competitor is not yours or their products.
It’s about Marketing…
The one that markets and promotes best will win…
I can give you a huge carton of cutting edge Ultra Vitamin C but unless you know how to market it properly, you ain’t going to make any money at all.
See, it’s not about product, it’s about HOW TO MARKET your product.
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